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(661) 631-6011(全县)
(760) 375-6049(岭峰)
(Report 24 hours per day, 7 days per week)

If you are calling about child abuse outside of Kern County please check the child abuse hotline for all California counties.


去举报虐待你的孩子 MUST 遵循以下步骤. 

第一步:致电CPS热线 661-631-6011 作口头报告.

Step two: Follow up with the written 怀疑虐待儿童报告 (SCAR) within 36 hours of phone call per mandated reporter guidelines. Please include the name of the social worker the report was made to in section B, 在"官方联系"下.” 


Informacion en Espanol sobre informes obligatorios 

一旦你完成了上面的步骤 may fax your referral to (661) 631-6568 during regular business hours.

什么是虐待儿童 & Neglect?

Child abuse and neglect can be categorized as follows:

  • Sexual Abuse: any sexual act by an adult in the presence of a child or to a child
  • Physical Abuse: bodily injury inflicted non-accidentally on a child by a parent, 监护人或其他成人
  • Emotional Abuse: non-physical mistreatment that endangers a child's emotional health
  • General Neglect: any mistreatment that threatens the child's health, 安全或福利, 比如不能提供足够的食物, 服装, shelter, medical treatment or supervision where no physical injury to the child has occurred
  • Severe Neglect: refers to situations where the child's health and life is endangered, including severe malnutrition and failure to thrive
  • Exploitation: forcing or coercing a child into performing activities that are beyond the child's capabilities or which are illegal or degrading

虐待儿童的常见指标 & Neglect

  • Repeated or suspicious injuries or ‘accidents’
  • Neglected appearance: dirty and hungry, not dressed appropriately for the weather
  • 消极或孤僻行为
  • 在家或学校的破坏性行为
  • 突然的性格变化
  • Sexual acting out or inappropriate sexual knowledge
  • 突然发作的饮食失调
  • 缺少医疗或牙科护理的儿童
  • Disclosure of abuse or neglect by the child

While some of these factors may exist in any home, it is the extreme or persistent presence of these factors that indicate a degree of abuse or neglect. A messy or untidy home does not necessarily mean the home is unfit or that the child is a victim of neglect.

Trained investigators and medical professionals have a great deal of knowledge about the nature of a particular injury to a child. This information is used to distinguish accidental injuries from suspected physical abuse.

When you report suspected child abuse or neglect, please provide as much information as possible with regard to the situation: child's name, 父母的名字, address, phone number and the reason why you are concerned. You do not have to give your name, but it helps us if we have further questions. If you do give us your name, your identity is kept strictly confidential.


Once a report of suspected child abuse or neglect has been made, various steps are taken as a part of the resolution process. These steps generally involve the Child Welfare 服务 and Juvenile Court. The resolution process consists of four main components:

  1. 应急响应: The Child Welfare Service's investigation will determine if abuse or neglect is occurring, if a child is at risk in the home and if protective custody is necessary
  2. 家庭维修: To provide support services to prevent abuse and/or neglect while the child continues to live in his or her own home
  3. 家庭团聚: To provide support services to the family while the child is in temporary out-of-home care [foster care or placed with relatives.这些服务包括咨询, parent training and referrals to other community resources, to address precipitating factors such as substance abuse or domestic violence.
  4. 永久的位置: This occurs when children cannot be returned to their families. These children are referred for permanent placement through adoptions, legal guardianship or long-term foster care.

Child abuse and neglect is a community problem and a community responsibility. Until you make a commitment, there can be no solution.